A Wilson Family Tree

Notes for Paul D. Spencer

WFT 137 # 299:

My notes of tombstone inscriptions at the Oscar Baptist Church, Oscar, Ballard County, KY

A picture in a newspaper with the following caption: Here's A Winner - Paul D. Spencer, Route 1, LaCenter (left) is winner of the Bluegill Division in the Balcoky Fishing Derby for the week ending May 6. Spencer caught his winning entry at Mitchell Lake. The fish weighed 18 oz., and was 11 in. in length and had a girth of 10 in. Fort Ray Duley, President of Balcoky, presenting him with a certificate. Butch Wagner of Barlow won the crappie division with his 20 oz. entry and Ed Lutrell of Louisville won the bass division with his catch of 3 lb. 5 oz. largemouth at Beaver Pond. The Fishing Derby will continue through September 30. Fishermen are urged to enter the contest by having fish entered and weighed at the Jiffy Mart at Wickliffe or the Oscar Bait House at Oscar. (No name or date on the newspaper clipping)

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

Page generated on 31 October 2023