A Wilson Family Tree

Notes for Howard Milton Clinton

"Portrait and Biographical Record of Portland and Vicinity, Oregon", Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1903, p. 813; downloaded from http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jtenlen/ORBios/hmclinton.txt:


Since no word is without its influence, no life without its reflection, too much cannot be said in praise of that man who has watched his own efforts in the great desire to make his every action a stepping stone toward higher things. Not isolated from the cares and responsibilities of a citizen, husband and father, he takes upon himself these daily burdens and while in pursuit of that which God decreed that man should have, makes every action conform to that high principle which distinguishes the true follower of Christ, bringing into the lives of those about him the brightness which is the true essence of religion. March 22, 1901, such an one was called from the scene of his earthly labors. Portland, in the death of Howard Milton Clinton, lost a man whose influence had always been cast on the side of right as well as progress, and one whose strong personality accomplished no little toward the advancement of worthy enterprises in the city of his adoption.

The Clinton family is of eastern origin and as such was represented by DeWitt Clinton, of New York, as one of its most distinguished members, having been closely identified with American history. Mr. Clinton of this review was born in New York City in 1836, and was there reared to manhood, receiving in his boyhood days an education which fitted him for his life's work. He was early left an orphan and thus missed the happiness of a home and value of parents' training; the strong, forceful characteristics which kept him true to his object and loyal to his convictions evidently being an inheritance. While still in New York he engaged in teaching as a means to livelihood, but during the Civil war he was in government employ, and on the night of April 14, 1865, he was at Ford's theatre and saw the assassination of President Lincoln. Mr. Clinton came west in 1874, locating in California, engaging in business in San Francisco. Four years later he came to Portland, which continued to be his home up to the time of his death. On locating here he engaged in newspaper work, being employed for a time on the editorial staff of the Bee, later identified with the Standard, and in 1881 he became connected with the Evening Telegram, acting in the capacity of business manager until 1886, when he entered the employ of R. L. Polk & Co., directory publishers. Five years after he became manager of the Portland agency and continued in the position until his death.

A Republican in politics during and long after the war, Mr. Clinton threw himself with all the ardor of his soul into the reforms which that party stood for. Some ten years ago, led by the same convictions of right, he left the Republican party and identified himself, heart and soul, with the struggling cause of Prohibition. In the campaign of 1898 he was the Prohibition candidate for governor of Oregon.

Mr. Clinton was a member of the First Baptist Church of Portland, and as one of its deacons was always active in Christian work. This was the keynote to the life of the man, for it was in this work that he excelled, every effort, unselfish and devoted, being put forth to advance the cause of the Master. He also devoted many years to active work in the interests of the Young Men's Christian Association. The estimate as to the value of his efforts cannot now be made, for his was an influence that time does not destroy, and though the man has passed from mortal sight he still lives in the life of the work which he loved.

In 1878 Mr. Clinton married Miss Ella J. Bynon, who was born in Boston, Mass., and was the daughter of A. A. and Marcella (Rand) Bynon. Three daughters, Dorothea, Eleanor and Harriet, survive their father, two sons dying in infancy. Mrs. Clinton has succeeded her husband in the management of the directory business.

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

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