A Wilson Family Tree

Notes for Belinda C. Grove

Cause of death was pneumonia (from Peterson-Case_Update tree on Ancestry.com, http://person.ancestry.com/tree/981617/person/24007116719/facts).

There are a lot of questions about this family. The names of the children come from censuses and the Peterson-Case_Update tree. Some of the information in the Peterson-Case_Update tree I was able to corroborate, but I believe that some of it is incorrect. It lists spouses for Susan and Henry Jr. that I am pretty sure are incorrect, but the information for Mabel and Marie looks like it is probably right. It doesn't look like any of the children had children, with the possible exception of Susan, since I have not been able to find her after 1880.

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

Page generated on 31 October 2023