A Wilson Family Tree

Notes for Harriett Calestine Curtis

Full name of Harriet Calestine Curtis is from the Jerry and Trudy Curtis web site. Her first name is spelled Harriett in a number of places.

There are lots of questions here. In a funeral card for her brother Luther (1960) she is listed as Mrs. Harriet Andrews. In a list of beneficiaries for her brother Rolland (perhaps written sometime in 1966) she is listed as Harriett Richards. There is a Find A Grave listing for Harriett C Richards. In the 1940 census she is listed as Harriet C. Andrews, divorced. It looks like her children were raised by their grandparents -- they are listed with Benjamin and Bell in the 1920 census and with Belle in 1930 (and then Bell is living with Lila in 1940). So, it looks like she married an Andrews sometime before 1914; divorced, perhaps before 1920; and married a Richards between 1960 and 1966.

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

Page generated on 31 October 2023